Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Big Girls Don't CRY!!!

But mom sure does... Yes I teared up this morning when I dropped Avery off for her very First day of middle school. Avery on the other hand was so excited and did not seem to be one bit nervous Thankfully!! I really do think this is going to be a great year we LOVE the school and Avery is really a good girl and I think she will do really well as long as she does not come home with the " I know it all attitude" Ha !!

I did have to sneak this picture when I let her out this morning...because in middle school you don't get to get out and take pictures in front of the school. Now this is not a school rule this was Avery's rule!!!


  1. She looks beautiful!!! And her HAIR!! How pretty and shiny it is! Hope she has a great first day!

  2. She is so pretty! And yes, the middle school pictures aren't too hip...guess it's part of growing up. :)

  3. I would cry too! God bless your sweet daughter.

  4. i dropped my lilly off at kindergarten this morning and made a complete fool of myself. the harder i tried not to cry the more i cried. i don't like this growing up thing....i can not believe summer is over already.

  5. hope she had a wonderful first day:)

  6. I have an award for you over at my blog :)

  7. That is awesome....I also have a middle schooler..so fun sometimes!!
