Monday, May 4, 2009

My baby shower that never made it to the blog....

My sweet friends gave me a baby shower when Seth was 2 weeks old way back in September. But the pictures never made to the blog because a few days after the shower was when Seth got so sick and was admitted into the hospital for 3 weeks and needless to say Life became a little crazy! With that said I have been meaning to share these pictures forever. It was such a great shower. I have such Great Friends that God has blessed me with! I wish I had pictures of everyone that was there but here are a few!! I'm just so glad I finally got them posted...
Me and my friend Tanya and sweet "little" Seth...

Me opening up my wonderful baby gifts from all my sweet friends!!

How sweet is this cake??

Me and my friend good Tori who was pregnant with little Zoey here in the picture.. But back in January sweet baby Zoey made her grand arrival.


  1. Oh my, that was a little bitty Seth! What great friends you have. The shower looks like it was so much fun =)

  2. Look how little he was!! Seth has grown so much!! He'll be walking before you know it.

  3. What a wonderful celebration it must have been!!!

  4. Congratulations! Glad I found your blog. Thanks for visiting mine.Your family is beautiful!
    No,it never goes away. The desire for babies that is.You either have or you don't.I think if I had endless time and money I'd never stop.I blame it on the newborn smell! :)
